Saving the following will help our School. Items may be dropped off in the back of church or in the school breezeway :
Aluminum cans
Kwik Trip Glazer donut price ovals
Old cell phones
Scrip Cards
St Anthony Scrip Program
The beauty of scrip is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work. You earn money without spending a single additional penny. How does this all work? It’s simple – scrip participating retailers agree to sell gift cards to our program at a discount. Families buy the cards for full face value, they redeem them for full face value, and the difference is applied toward your tuition or revenue for the parish. All that is needed is your time and effort to get this program to work for you. It may seem time consumingat first, but once youget into a routine, it truly multiplies!
Our program offers the following gift cards; Kwik Trip (10%) Fourmens Farm & Home (10%) Fleet Farm (5%) Festival Foods (3%) Walmart (2.5%) ****The percentage shown in parentheses is the amount of your purchase that goes toward your tuition*****
Scrip is available on school days in the school library from Mrs. Genteman, at the rectory from Mrs. Szymanski or after Mass on some weekends. Scrip makes a great gift for birthdays, teachers, staff appreciation or hard to buy for family members. Don’t forget that Christmas is right around the corner as well! If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Wendy Lindner by email at [email protected] or call -715-255-9548.